As a social media site, there are several points about internet connection that will definitely come into play. As a site with a large amount of media available a few basic steps with how the network operates can be taken to make things flowing smoothly. More bandwidth given to the site will decrease latency, and also create less traffic in the internet so that packets will jump through less routers to avoid traffic so they take less time. Or internet traffic could also be avoided by having servers in multiple locations in a wide area so that packets being sent can simply travel to the closest one, spreading out traffic to also make communication travel faster.
Another area that comes into play is security. The largest area this would come into play with is the open message board, mainly with controversial or "hot" topics a user can explore such as politics or divided social issues. Any user going into one of these topics will specifically be told that 1) they should feel free to express all of their opinions and respond to other peoples, and 2) they cannot insult, defame, or devalue the views of anyone else in a harsh or impersonal manner. After being made aware of this, a SSL protocol will become active and the user will be notified of what this means they know they should feel completely safe in saying how they feel.
The SSL protocol will let users know no one other than the others users in the topic (who have accepted the same agreement) will be able to read what they post in the topic. This means they have no fear of people from outside the topic reading or quoting their views, and that the only people who can read them must be respectful or else they've be banned from the topic altogether. I believe this will help users have a safe space to express their opinions to others on topics they wouldn't normally be able to talk to others about, which will have them return to the message board area and hopefully explore other topics with the same SSL protocol.
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