With all of the other blogs I commented on, the sites other people were developing didn't have this issue. One was a site focused entirely on movie and media as the focus of the site, giving it several different functions and a more unique purpose. Another was exclusively for music writers, players, and producers to give them an outlet for their music as well as a place for professional networking. The website I planned to produce didn't have a premise as strong as this, which would inevitably draw comparisons to Facebook.
If I were to rethink this concept, I would likely give it a much more focused outlook for expression. It could be targeted towards opinionated, outspoken individuals with very strong ideas on a variety of controversial issues such as politics, economy, current events, and give them an outlet for all of their views. Groups on the website would be organized into certain areas based on the issues they feel strongly about. There could also be sub-groups based on their views and perspectives on these areas. For example, in the Politics group there would be sub groups focused on certain candidates, views, ideologies, criticisms, and any other groups that can be created.
Another feature I think would fit well would be a debate function, where two users could debate, through text or video, about respective issues that are visible to friends and those in their groups. People could view them live or afterwards and continue the debate afterwards in the comments area. And if particularly strong points or views are shown, they could be highlighted for the groups to see afterwards. All the highlights from a user's chosen groups could be viewed in the same area to easily keep track of developments in what's occurring with their interests.
With this idea, the message board concept would fit well into this for those who are outspoken but may also be shy about their views, allowing for a more anonymous outlet.
This kind of concept would give my entrepreneurship idea a much stronger, conceptual focus. Instead of simply being a more expressive version of Facebook, it would more focused towards people who have strong opinions, knowledge, or passion for certain issues and give an outlet to express all of them.
So in conclusion, my initial idea would likely not have succeeded in the real world due to being a kind of Facebook knock-off. But giving it a more specific, practical purpose that would attract more specific people to use it would have helped solve this, since all the other students with similar blogs had stronger focus in what their ideas were. Had I started the project with my current idea of it being more of a "hot box" site, then it would have had a chance of succeeding as a real entrepreneur idea.
Also, here are my comment URLs:
http://cine-mate.blogspot.com/2011/09/in-beginning.html?showComment=1319673082659#c5566545368204269959 |
http://mymoodradio.blogspot.com/2011/09/my-mood-radio.html?showComment=1319673458704#c7097390911628808250 |
http://chloeguillemot.blogspot.com/2011/09/entrepreneurship-project-ist-195.html?showComment=1319673866362#c2376321939094038454 |